Our Story
Instant Delights Limited is a family run business by Joseph and Nana Mensah who are passionate about producing mouth watering Ready to eat African cuisine.
The idea of Instant Delights came about when several precious hours were spent cooking several sauces for the family or buying expensive fast food when lack of time and exhaustion kicked in. A range of table ready meals to be enjoyed at different meal times.  Our sauces are very versatile can be used as part of a main meal, condiments, or dips.
Instant Delights sauces are prepared and cooked from a purpose built factory using all the freshest and authentic ingredients available
We produce our meals with the style and flair of a personal Chef! We are constantly developing products to bring convenience and yet great tasting alternatives to people who like experimenting with what they eat. We are very interested in your comments and feedback.

Use the enquiry form to send us your thoughts.

Joseph & Nana Mensah